Sabtu, 18 Oktober 2014

effects of lemon verbena tea

effects of lemon verbena tea By drinking Lemon juice or lemon water it can relieve a variety of digestive disorders such as heartburn, bloating, and abdominal cramps. In addition, by drinking lemon water regularly to clean the intestines and also prevent the occurrence of constipation and diarrhea. A teaspoon of lemon juice in the mix in half a glass of water helps to relieve mulas.Air used advisable not too hot or cold.

According to Ann Heustad, juice of 3 to 4 lemons able to relieve pain and reduce excessive blood flow when a woman is menstruating.

Stimulate Heart Work

Lemon juice also helps dissolve uric acid and other toxins in the liver. In addition, be able to shed gallstones and relieve fever caused malaria. Potassium content of water is very high in the lemon helps cure biliousness or symptoms of liver disorders that can cause constipation, dizziness, vomiting and loss of appetite.

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